A complete MZBench installation consists of two parts:

Once launched, the API server is permanent, whereas the worker nodes are dynamically allocated on demand on AWS or another cloud provider.

Here’s how you install and configure MZBench for real-life use.


From RPM and Pip

Available for CentOS 7 and Amazon Linux.


Download MZBench RPM from Github releases page

# Install RPM
sudo yum install -y <rpm_file_downloaded_from_github_releases>

# Install Python package
sudo pip install mzbench_api_client

# Start the server
mzbench start_server

MZBench server from RPM has all Github workers bundled. If you need to add a worker to this installation, please use mzbench add_worker <tgz_file> command. Please refer to “How to write your own worker” guide to learn more about generation of this tarball.

From sources


Install and start the MZBench API server:

# Clone the current MZBench source code
git clone https://github.com/machinezone/mzbench.git

# Install Python requirements
sudo pip install -r mzbench/requirements.txt

# Start the server
./mzbench/bin/mzbench start_server



Every time you update the configuration, restart the server.


The MZBench server parameters are defined in the configuration file.

By default, the server tries to load configuration from ~/.config/mzbench/server.config and /etc/mzbench/server.config.

To specify a configuration file from a different location, use the --config param:

$ ./bin/mzbench start_server --config /path/to/server.config

The configuration file is an Erlang list with the mzbench_api tuple. This tuple holds the list of the server parameters:

    {mzbench_api, [
        {network_interface, ""},
        {listen_port, 80}

Here, two parameters are specified: network_interface and listen_port.

All parameters are optional.



{cloud_plugins: [
    {<PluginName>, #{module => <ModuleName>,
                    <Option1> => <Value1>,
                    <Option2> => <Value2>,

List of cloud plugins that can be used to allocate nodes. One plugin can be listed multiple times with different settings and under different names.

<PluginName> is an atom identifying a plugin instance.

<ModuleName> is the name of the plugin module. Each module has its specific <Options>.

There are four built-in plugins:

Allocate hosts from the Amazon EC2 cloud.
Allocates hosts from a static pool.
Dummy provider, treats localhost as unlimited number of hosts, useful for debug. It can be also used as a reference during cloud plugin development.
Allocate hosts from multiple sources with the given ratio.


{network_interface, "<ip address>"}

Specify the IP address for the dashboard to run on. By default it’s "", so the dashboard is unavailable for external connections.

To open the dashboard to the public, set this param to "".


By default MZBench provides no authentication. Opening the dashboard to the public makes your server vulnerable.

To protect your server, please, see authentication and protocol.


{listen_port, <port>}

Specify the port to access the dashboard.

Default value: 4800.


By default protocol is set to http, but https is also available. MZBench generates self-signed certificates on first start. If you need to replace them, please use the following configuration parameters:

{protocol, https},
{cacertfile, none},
{certfile, "~/.local/share/mzbench_api/server.crt"},
{keyfile, "~/.local/share/mzbench_api/server.key"},

CA certificate is not required unless you use custom CA.


API server supports Google and GitHub auth.

          {"google", [{caption, "Google"},
                      {client_id, "..."},
                      {client_secret, "..."},
                      {redirect_url, "http://localhost:4800"}]}

http://localhost:4800 should be replaced with your server’s address.

          {"github", [{caption, "GitHub"},
                      {client_id, "..."},
                      {client_secret, "..."}]}

If GitHub Enterprise is used it may be usefull to add the following two parameters:

    {url, "https://<GitHub URL>"},
    {api_url, "https://<GitHub API URL>"},

After successful setup you will be able to authorize yourself at dashboard using Google account and create tokens for Command Line Utilities. To create one hover your name at top-right corner of the dashboard and click “Generate token” link.


{bench_log_file, "<filename>"}

The name of the benchmark log files. The files are stored in <bench_data_dir>/<bench_id> where <bench_data_dir> is defined in the bench_data_dir param and <id> is the ID of a particular benchmark.

Default value: "log.txt"


{bench_log_compression, (deflate|none)}

Enable or disable log compression with the DEFLATE algorithm.

Default value: deflate


{bench_metrics_file, "<filename>"}

The name of the benchmark metrics data files. The files are stored in <bench_data_dir>/<bench_id> where <bench_data_dir> is defined in the bench_data_dir param and <id> is the ID of a particular benchmark.

Default value: "metrics.txt"


{bench_metrics_compression, (none|deflate)}

Enable or disable metrics data compression with the DEFLATE algorithm.

Default value: none


{node_git, "<url>"}

The MZBench git repository used to deploy worker nodes.

By default, the MZBench source code is taken from https://github.com/machinezone/mzbench.git.


{node_commit, "<string>"}

The git commit SHA or branch name used to deploy worker nodes.

By default, the latest revision is used.


{node_rsync, "<folder>"}

Use local folder when deploying worker nodes. This option has a precedency over node_git.


{node_deployment_path, "<path>"}

The path to the MZBench installation on node machines.

Default value: "/.local/share"


{worker_deployment_path, "<path>"}

The to the workers installation on node machines.

Default value: "~/.local/share/mzbench_workers"


{plugins_dir, "<path>"}

Directory with additional cloud plugins.

Default value: "../../../../plugins"


{bench_data_dir, "<path>"}

The location to store the data generated during the benchmark.

Default value: "~/.local/share/mzbench_api/data".


{tgz_packages_dir, "<path>"}

The location to store prebuilt worker archives.

Default value: "~/.local/cache/mzbench_api/packages".


{max_bench_num, <integer>}

Maximal number of benchmarks running at the same time.

Default value: 1000.


{vm_args, <args>}

Additional arguments for the [Erlang VM](Additional arguments for the Erlang VM.

Default value: [].


{ntp_max_timediff, <float>}

Maximum timeout between node creation in seconds.

This check is optional and only prints a warning if fails.

Default value: 0.1.

Dev Parameters

Set these params only if you are an MZBench developer.


{bench_read_at_once, <integer>}

The number of bytes to read from the logs and metrics feed per request.

Default value: 1024


{bench_poll_timeout, <integer>}

The timeout between requests to logs and metrics feeds in milliseconds.

Default value: 1000


{node_log_port, <integer>}

The TCP port for the logs feed.

Default value: 4801.


{node_management_port, <integer>}

The TCP port used to control the server internally.

Default value: 4802.